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My account was suspended and no customer support

Dear Amazon Seller Performance Team,

I hope this message finds you well.

I am writing to appeal the suspension of my Amazon Account Daystar Trade to request its reactivation as soon as possible. I understand the importance of complying with Amazon's policies and am committed to addressing any issues that led to this situation.

Reason for Suspension: Amazon claims/asserts that we do have another Amazon account whilst there is no another Amazon account of us indeed and on account of this suspicion our account has been suspended by Amazon.

Action Plan:

Acknowledgement and Apology: I sincerely apologize for any oversight or mistake that may have led to the suspension of my account. I fully understand the importance of adhering to Amazon’s policies and am committed to ensuring that such issues do not occur in the future.

Detailed Explanation: [Provide a clear and concise explanation of what led to the suspension. For example: “After reviewing our account activity, I discovered that the suspension was related to incorrect product listings. We inadvertently listed some items that did not fully comply with Amazon’s product guidelines.

Corrective Measures Taken:

Policy Review: We have thoroughly reviewed Amazon’s policies and guidelines to ensure we fully understand and comply with them moving forward.

Training: Our team has undergone additional training on Amazon’s policies to avoid any future violations.

System Updates: We have implemented a new system for verifying product listings and ensuring they meet Amazon’s standards before they go live.

Preventative Measures:

Regular Audits: We will conduct regular audits of our listings and account activities to ensure ongoing compliance with Amazon’s policies.

Dedicated Compliance Team: A dedicated team member will be responsible for overseeing compliance and addressing any potential issues promptly.

Conclusion: We greatly value our partnership with Amazon and are committed to maintaining the highest standards of compliance. I respectfully request the reinstatement of our account and assure you that we have taken all necessary steps to prevent any recurrence of these issues.

Thank you for considering our appeal. We are eager to resolve this matter and continue contributing positively to the Amazon marketplace. Please let us know if any further information or actions are required from our side.

Daystar Trade

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Tags:Account Health, Deactivated
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My account was suspended and no customer support

Dear Amazon Seller Performance Team,

I hope this message finds you well.

I am writing to appeal the suspension of my Amazon Account Daystar Trade to request its reactivation as soon as possible. I understand the importance of complying with Amazon's policies and am committed to addressing any issues that led to this situation.

Reason for Suspension: Amazon claims/asserts that we do have another Amazon account whilst there is no another Amazon account of us indeed and on account of this suspicion our account has been suspended by Amazon.

Action Plan:

Acknowledgement and Apology: I sincerely apologize for any oversight or mistake that may have led to the suspension of my account. I fully understand the importance of adhering to Amazon’s policies and am committed to ensuring that such issues do not occur in the future.

Detailed Explanation: [Provide a clear and concise explanation of what led to the suspension. For example: “After reviewing our account activity, I discovered that the suspension was related to incorrect product listings. We inadvertently listed some items that did not fully comply with Amazon’s product guidelines.

Corrective Measures Taken:

Policy Review: We have thoroughly reviewed Amazon’s policies and guidelines to ensure we fully understand and comply with them moving forward.

Training: Our team has undergone additional training on Amazon’s policies to avoid any future violations.

System Updates: We have implemented a new system for verifying product listings and ensuring they meet Amazon’s standards before they go live.

Preventative Measures:

Regular Audits: We will conduct regular audits of our listings and account activities to ensure ongoing compliance with Amazon’s policies.

Dedicated Compliance Team: A dedicated team member will be responsible for overseeing compliance and addressing any potential issues promptly.

Conclusion: We greatly value our partnership with Amazon and are committed to maintaining the highest standards of compliance. I respectfully request the reinstatement of our account and assure you that we have taken all necessary steps to prevent any recurrence of these issues.

Thank you for considering our appeal. We are eager to resolve this matter and continue contributing positively to the Amazon marketplace. Please let us know if any further information or actions are required from our side.

Daystar Trade

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Tags:Account Health, Deactivated
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My account was suspended and no customer support

by Seller_vdPM7j2OJdi60

Dear Amazon Seller Performance Team,

I hope this message finds you well.

I am writing to appeal the suspension of my Amazon Account Daystar Trade to request its reactivation as soon as possible. I understand the importance of complying with Amazon's policies and am committed to addressing any issues that led to this situation.

Reason for Suspension: Amazon claims/asserts that we do have another Amazon account whilst there is no another Amazon account of us indeed and on account of this suspicion our account has been suspended by Amazon.

Action Plan:

Acknowledgement and Apology: I sincerely apologize for any oversight or mistake that may have led to the suspension of my account. I fully understand the importance of adhering to Amazon’s policies and am committed to ensuring that such issues do not occur in the future.

Detailed Explanation: [Provide a clear and concise explanation of what led to the suspension. For example: “After reviewing our account activity, I discovered that the suspension was related to incorrect product listings. We inadvertently listed some items that did not fully comply with Amazon’s product guidelines.

Corrective Measures Taken:

Policy Review: We have thoroughly reviewed Amazon’s policies and guidelines to ensure we fully understand and comply with them moving forward.

Training: Our team has undergone additional training on Amazon’s policies to avoid any future violations.

System Updates: We have implemented a new system for verifying product listings and ensuring they meet Amazon’s standards before they go live.

Preventative Measures:

Regular Audits: We will conduct regular audits of our listings and account activities to ensure ongoing compliance with Amazon’s policies.

Dedicated Compliance Team: A dedicated team member will be responsible for overseeing compliance and addressing any potential issues promptly.

Conclusion: We greatly value our partnership with Amazon and are committed to maintaining the highest standards of compliance. I respectfully request the reinstatement of our account and assure you that we have taken all necessary steps to prevent any recurrence of these issues.

Thank you for considering our appeal. We are eager to resolve this matter and continue contributing positively to the Amazon marketplace. Please let us know if any further information or actions are required from our side.

Daystar Trade

Tags:Account Health, Deactivated
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