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Seller code of conduct ( Accurate Information )
by Seller_4ADNTjrcr5Vpn

We currently have Policy Compliance Issue, and we already submitted the LOA, but it is still rejected. can someone help us how to fix this problem? We also updated the Brand logo under brand register and the address so it matched on the LOA.

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About Amazon seller account deletion
by Seller_r76m5dWT73k9M

I am a Japanese seller.

I have a problem and am contacting you now.

I received the following message on my Amazon seller account.

I am unable to delete my Amazon seller account.

How can I delete my Amazon seller account?

Can you help me?

The target email address is below.

I would like to inquire from Help, but the following message appears.

I can't make inquiries.

Selling privileges temporarily removed

We can only answer questions about your suspended account status. If you were recently reinstated, it may take up to 1 hour for your status to be updated.

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Withdraw from A-to-z Guarantee Claim
by Seller_ZGQTfFoeZhqAe

Our customer recently returned an item under the 'A-to-z Guarantee Claim'. The product is not defective or late. It is due to her change of mind. As a result, we are penalized with 'poor account health'. Refund if the purchased item is in its original condition, don't think it is fair to penalize sellers due to 'change of mind'. Is there a way to withdraw participation in this claim? Thanks

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Video Call Appointment Problem
by Seller_wGY0Nd9M98IF8

Hello Amazon Team;

I was informed that identity verification via video call was required in order to receive the money from my suspended account. I selected the dates that were suitable for me through the link sent and sent them. The first dates I chose were March 26, March 27 and April 1. Amazon then informed me that the video call appointment could not be made due to unforeseen circumstances and that I would have to choose a new date and send it. I set new dates via the link again and sent the form. These dates were April 2, April 4 and April 10. The last dates I chose have passed, but I still have not been given an appointment for an interview. I have health problems and cannot afford my medication costs. That's why I need the money in my seller account urgently and I'm constantly wasting my time this way. I would be very happy if you could help me on this issue. Thanks in advance.

Best Regards.

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